Mr Adam H. Ross, MBChB, FRCOphth, FHEA, CertMedEd, Ophthalmologist
Nuffield Heatlh Spire Healthcare Circle Health Group
0117 369 1179 (Bristol) 01225 220 295 (Bath) 02921 991 179 (Cardiff) [javascript protected email address]
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Watery Eyes


What are Watery Eyes?

Watery eye or epiphora is generally seen in young babies and older people. In this condition, tears accumulate in the eyes due to a blockage in one or both tear ducts. As a result, excessive tears trickle down the face instead of draining from the tear ducts.

How Does Watery Eyes Affect You?

The delicate balance between tear production and loss is maintained by the lacrimal system present in the eye. However, sometimes this balance is disrupted, and the eye becomes prone to irritants that include:

  • infections
  • injury
  • allergic inflammations
  • dirt or a piece of grit
  • inwardly growing eye lashes

The eyes secrete excess tears as a protective mechanism to steer away these irritants.
A normal eye is kept moist by a definite amount of tears. Extra tears, if any, pass on to the tear duct and nose. The tear duct may be blocked due to narrowing of its upper part over time. In such cases, the excess tears trickle down the cheeks.


What are the Treatment Options For Watery Eyes?

Treatment of epiphora (watery eyes) includes the following:

Dacryocystorhinostomy (External and Transcanalicular Laser):

Dacryocystorhinostomy is a procedure to treat watery and sticky eyes caused by narrowing or blockage of the tear drainage tubes. Depending on your condition, dacryocystorhinostomy may be performed externally (through the skin) or endoscopically using a transcanalicular laser.

  • External Dacryocystorhinostomy: During this procedure, a nick is made on the side of your nose to access the tear sac. A small piece of bone is removed from between the tear sac and the nose to access the inside of the nose.
  • Transcanalicular Laser: Transcanalicular laser dacryocystorhinostomy is a minimally invasive endoscopic procedure to treat epiphora. During this procedure, a fibre optic light probe is inserted through the nasal cavity to the lacrimal sac (tear sac).

Probing & Syringing +/- Intubation: Probing and syringing are performed to open up blocked tear ducts. It can be performed under local or general anaesthesia as an outpatient procedure. During this procedure, a thin flexible probe (wire) is inserted down the tear duct to clear any blockage.

Lacrimal Stents: Lacrimal stenting can be performed as an outpatient procedure under moderate sedation. Lacrimal stents are thin tubes that are implanted in patients with narrowed but not completely blocked tear ducts. They help keep the tear duct open and help prevent further scarring.

Spire Healthcare Nuffield Health BRISTOL EYE HOSPITAL Circle Health Group The Eye Unit