Mr Adam H. Ross, MBChB, FRCOphth, FHEA, CertMedEd, Ophthalmologist
Nuffield Heatlh Spire Healthcare Circle Health Group
0117 369 1179 (Bristol) 01225 220 295 (Bath) 02921 991 179 (Cardiff) [javascript protected email address]
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Glaucoma Treatment

The goal of glaucoma treatment is to decrease the pressure in the eyes. This is achieved using special eye-drops or medications. Surgery is recommended if medications don’t yield the desired result, or with an aim to prevent further vision loss or blindness.

For more information about Glaucoma Treatment, click on below tab.

Cataract Surgery

Surgery is the only treatment for cataract and is recommended based on the severity of the condition and the impact it has on the daily activities of the patient. It is performed one eye at a time with a few weeks gap in between the two operations.

For more information about Cataract Surgery, click on below tab.

Premium Intraocular lens

When light enters the eye, it is focused on a photosensitive retina to provide clear vision. Abnormalities in the cornea (transparent outer layer of the eye), such as excessive curvature (near-sightedness) or dryness, causes light to focus before or after the retina, resulting in blurred vision.

For more information about Premium Intraocular lens, click on below tab.

YAG Capsulotomy

YAG capsulotomy is a procedure that is used in the treatment of posterior capsular thickening which is a common but long-term complication of cataract surgery.

For more information about YAG Capsulotomy, click on below tab.

Treatments for Epiphora

Dacryocystorhinostomy is a procedure to treat watery and sticky eyes caused by narrowing or blockage of the tear drainage tubes. Tears normally drain from the inner corner of the eye into the tear sac and down into the back of our nose.

For more information about Treatments for Epiphora, click on below tab.

Retinal Vein Occlusion

Retinal vein occlusion can lead to fluid build-up and swelling of the macula, a condition known as macular oedema. LUCENTIS® (ranibizumab injection) is prescription medicine injected into the eye for the treatment of macular oedema following retinal vein occlusion.

For more information about Retinal Vein Occlusion, click on below tab.

Myopic Maculopathy

Coming soon

Treatments for AMD


Coming soon

Nutritional Supplementation Including AREDs Trial

Coming soon

Treatments for Diabetic Maculopathy

Coming soon

Spire Healthcare Nuffield Health BRISTOL EYE HOSPITAL Circle Health Group The Eye Unit